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Adult Ministries

Upcoming Events

2025 Lent Devotional

Great Banquet Retreats

Women’s Weekend, April 24-27

Men’s Weekend, May 1-4

Join a Discipleship Group


Come as you are any week to these mid-sized groups where you can meet a variety of people and grow as a follower of Christ. Classes predominantly happen on Sunday mornings and some happen midweek. Teaching series range from a handful of weeks to a few months.

Small Groups

Make new friends as you learn to live your faith with a small group of people. Committing to gather for Bible study and prayer creates a place to care for each other’s life experiences as you grow in Christ. New groups form in the fall, new year, and spring. Some groups meet on a short-term basis, and others are ongoing.

Click the Drop Down Lists to View Available Groups

Sunday Classes & Small Groups

Foundations Class

Participate at 9:00-10:00 AM or 10:30-11:30 AM

The Foundations class is a community with open hearts, open minds, and open doors, seeking Jesus’ guidance for our lives. Grow your roots in Christ with practical insights for how we can love God and love one another. The lessons in Foundations enhance your understanding of Scripture using prominent Christian books as a resource to engage in thoughtful discussion. Foundations is currently studying the Book of Romans.

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Beyond Basics Class

9:00-10:00 AM

This is a community that strives to better understand Scripture, build community, and support one another with prayer. Join any week for an in-depth and approachable examination of a book of the Bible. The class is currently studying the Book of 1 John.

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Perspectives Class

10:30-11:30 AM

Perspectives is a discussion forum that examines current and sometimes controversial topics through the lens of Scripture, with the aim of being salt and light in our divided culture. Each week is a welcoming conversation that helps us wrestle with tough questions so that we are better able to represent Christ. The class is currently hosting conversations on “Doing God’s WorkOur Call to Civic and Cultural Engagement.”

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Parent Connect

10:30-11:30 AM

Make friends at church and get some great advice for your parenting journey while your babies, kids, and teens enjoy their own community with the programs happening for them on Sundays at 10:30. The group is currently gathering to discuss 50 Things Every Child Needs to Know Before Leaving Home—a guidebook to help us chart a course to disciple our children spiritually, relationally, emotionally, financially, and physically. Come as you are; no book purchase or preparation required.

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Parents of Young Children Small Group Bible Study

10:30-11:30 AM, every other week

Hey Parents! Chris Ryan and Alexis Crawley here. We have a kindergartner and a first grader at home, and have been trying to figure out how to make time for Bible study and making friends at church. Give this group a try with us as we figure out how we can make it happen in this season of life. Your kids can join VPC’s childcare and kids’ programs while we get into God’s Word together. We’re currently studying Rich Villodas’ series on 2 Corinthians.

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Apprentices Class

10:30-11:30 AM

Come explore how you can imitate Jesus Christ in your relationships, worldview, and everyday tasks with a community that highly values learning from each other’s insights. The class conversation is rich as is the desire to grow in following Christ. The Apprentices community is currently studying Gentle and Lowly—The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund.

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Midweek Classes & Small Groups

Monday Night Men’s Group

Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM at VPC and Online

We are guys of all ages coming together to study, grow, share, and care for one another and serve the community in which we live. We meet on Monday evenings to hear testimonies and teaching in a large group setting, then break into small groups for discussion and prayer. Pizza and popcorn are served for dinner each week so you can come straight from work if you need to. There is no homework, and you can join any week.

This spring will feature teaching series from both Pastor Robert Austell and VPC’s Theologian-in-Residence, David Renwick.

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Monday Night & Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Studies

Mondays, 7:00-8:30 PM and Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 AM at VPC

What is the evidence in our lives that we have truly accepted the grace of God in Christ and are living for Him? James is as practical a book for us today as it was for first century believers. As we study its straightforward teachings, we will look at everyday attitudes and actions that we know are right, but in reality require supernatural strength to achieve. The book reminds us that it is the grace of God in Christ alone that empowers us to live as followers of Christ. Our study will be a rich combination of spiritual and practical truths for dynamically living our Christian faith.

At the Women’s Bible Studies, you’ll find a supportive and encouraging group of women of all ages ready to get to know you as they get to know the Bible. There is no homework, and you can join any week.

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Time in the Word for Dads Online

Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 PM Online

What’s driving your daily life amidst competing priorities? This online small group for dads with children and teens is a weekly time to recharge your faith and encouragement to live it. Join group leaders, Lyle Kellman and Vernon Joyner—experienced dads who get where you’re at—to read Scripture, discuss its impact on life, and consider how to apply it to family and faith. The guys are currently studying John Mark Comer’s video discussion series based on his book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.

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Faith in Ordinary MOMents Online

A Monthly Group for Busy Moms Led by Pastor Hope Lee

Once a month, Sep-May, 8:30-9:30 PM Online

Some of the busiest people are moms! God holds a special space for the women who juggle all of the stuff of life and still seek to know Him. If you have kids in kindergarten-college, join Pastor Hope Lee for a monthly study and discussion that will encourage your faith. Most meetings are online on Thursdays and a few are in-person on Fridays. Click the button below to see the schedule and more information.

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Seniors Small Group

Wednesdays, 11:30 AM-1:00 PM at VPC

This seniors group invites you to join them this season. Group leader Barbara is a fantastic facilitator of discipleship discussions and uses a variety of resources to guide the group to grow in faith – Scripture studies, video studies, and articles are common. Feel free to bring your lunch and enjoy Bible study together over a meal.

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Special Needs Friendship Class

The Friendship Class for Special Needs Adults

Sundays, 9:00-10:30 AM (Class and Bells)

Members of this inclusive community for adults with and without intellectual disability get to know each other better as they get to know Christ. No matter what you believe, or how you express it, you always have a friend here! Join the class during the 9:00 AM worship service for a lesson about the sermon, and we hope you’ll stay until 10:30 to learn how to make music with us using our handbells and chimes.

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Get Right Now Media on Us

VPC has purchased access to a premier Bible study streaming service to support you on your spiritual journey. Whether working on your own personal Bible study, leading a small group, supporting a meaningful use of media with kids, doing a study with your family, or looking for a teaching illustration, one of these engaging and informative videos will meet your needs. Sign up for your free account.


God’s word assures us that He is with us in every experience and circumstance. Check out these devotional suggestions and allow God to guide you to know Him more each day.

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