Local Partners
Bags of Love
So many of you pitched in month after month as we created a food distribution program during the pandemic! It is simply amazing that we distributed over 500,000 lbs. of food during that very difficult time! A variety of factors have caused a time of hardship for many in our community that are having difficulty providing the basics. Working with school counselors, parent liaisons, etc. we are launching a new version of Bags of Love that will provide cleaning and hygiene supplies that parents are struggling to purchase for their families. Starting in November, we’ll collect on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Please continue to bless our community by supporting Bags of Love 2.0! Contact Susan Kenney at susan.kenney@viennapres.org for additional information. Click here to donate.
Belong’s mission is to demonstrate God’s love in action by providing or facilitating access to services that empower and equip the underserved in our community through education, community engagement and other essential services.
Belong’s vision is a loving and inclusive community where all belong and have equal opportunities for social, spiritual, educational, and economic success.
Find your place in this effort to facilitate and inclusive community where all belong and have equal opportunity. https://www.belongvienna.org/
Days For Girls
Days for Girls is an international organization that creates and distributes reusable feminine hygiene kits, which allow girls in impoverished areas to manage their monthly period for up to 3 years. VPC hosts the sewing event on the third Saturday of each month, and all skill levels are invited to participate! For more info: Days for Girls Northern Virginia Chapter or email ginni.richards@gmail.com
Homestretch, Inc.
The mission of Homestretch is to empower homeless parents with children to attain permanent housing and self-sufficiency by giving them the skills, knowledge and hope they need to become productive participants in the community. VPC is a Sacred Homes partner, supporting an entire family’s needs each year. https://homestretchva.org/
According to the Loudoun County Sherriff’s Office, human/sex trafficking of children is a $100-million industry in the DC Metropolitan area. Local law enforcement, including Fairfax, county, works closely with Reset180. Reset180 provides critical services to victims of human trafficking in the region and through education and prevention helps combat these horrific crimes. For more information: https://reset180.com/
Langley Residential Support Services
Langley serves adults with developmental differences, their families and our communities by providing quality, comprehensive residential and community support services. Many of our Friendship Class students live in these homes. Volunteers are welcome to assist with activities and projects with the clients. https://www.langleyresidential.org/
Committee for Helping Others
Founded by VPC over 60 years ago, Simple, loving charity for the needy of Vienna and the surrounding area.
CHO is an all-volunteer organization that helps by providing:
· Emergency financial assistance
· Emergency food aid (pantry located at VPC) · Clothing |
· Furniture
· Meals on Wheels · Transportation |
Find ways you can support the underserved in our community: https://cho-va.com/
Lamb Center
The Lamb Center is a daytime drop‐in homeless shelter for individuals who are experiencing homelessness in Fairfax, Virginia. They provide breakfast, lunch, showers, laundry service, Bible studies, employment opportunities, housing and job counseling, AA meetings, a nurse practitioner clinic, a dental clinic, and much more. https://www.thelambcenter.org/
Shepherd's Center of Northern Viriginia
The Shepherd Center honors our seniors by helping them age in place through services, companionships, and community. Their focus is on helping people age well in the place and community that they love, with additional enriching opportunities for lifelong learning, volunteer service, healthy living, community connections and more. https://scnova.org/
Cornerstone Community School
Cornerstone provides a Christ-centered, nurturing, and academically rigorous education to the children of Washington, D.C., equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become leaders who serve others in light of Christ and His Truth. https://www.cornerstone-schools.org/
Hypothermia Prevention Program
Sign up to help. Contact Sue Hamblen.
Support for Domestic Violence Survivors
Help support Survivors of Domestic Violence as we welcome them to VPC for quarterly training and fellowship events. From Christmas celebrations to Therapeutic programming, VPC opens our doors to men and women who are determined to Break the Cycle of abuse by equipping them to be strong individual, partners and parents. Our hospitality (hosting and providing a warm nutritious meal) tells them that we love them, as Christ loves all of us.
ntil the COVID restrictions required this support group to meet remotely, VPC provided dinner for survivors enrolled in the Break the Cycle recovery group facilitated by The Women’s Center. This simple act of hospitality has ensured that the victims feel loved and cared for as they strive for a better life! When they return to in person meetings, we’ll be there with our love offering of a healthy meal.
National Partners
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Todd Burger
VPC member Todd Burger helps transform the lives of coaches and athletes with the powerful combination of sports and Christian faith. By sharing the Gospel with both coaches and athletes at huddles, camps, clinics, and fields of faith events, coaches and athletes become growing, authentic Christ-followers. https://www.fca.org/home
InterVarsity William and Mary, Paula Puckett
InterVarsity at William and Mary is a campus ministry serving a missional, multicultural community. Paula is the Graduate and Faculty Minister, sharing the Gospel to engage in the transformation of individuals across campus. https://www.wmintervarsity.com/about/
InterVarsity, Mary Washington, Grace Alexander
InterVarsity is a community from all parts of campus who ask the big questions together, read the Bible and talk about what it really means, and try to love our friends and other students as much as Jesus does. https://intervarsity.org/news/university-mary-washington
Ligonier Camp and Conference Center
For over 100 years, Ligonier has welcomed hundreds of VPC youth and families as they provide people with reflective and recreational opportunities that will build faith in Christ, self-esteem and supportive relationships. Many VPC and other kids experienced seeds planted that later blossomed into adult followers of Christ! http://www.ligoniercamp.org/
Global Partners
Accion, Merida, Mexico
Accion serves as the bridge from American Presbyterian Churches to Mexican villages and churches in the Yucatan. For over 30 years, teams of VPC volunteers have traveled to Mexico to help build churches, conduct Vacation Bible Schools, and to serve the physical and spiritual needs of the Mayan people. https://friendsofaccion.org/
Community Coalition for Haiti
VPC and First Baptist of Vienna felt compelled to address the dire needs of our Haitian Brothers and Sisters, and jointly established CCH. The enduring mission is to transform lives, one by one, through long term and community driven solutions in healthcare, education and community development. CCH staff and its many volunteers have been working and walking alongside Haitian partners for more than 30 years. While violence and political unrest prohibit any Americans visiting CCH, they continue to provide tangible, practical and spiritual support to our Haitian brothers and sisters. https://www.cchaiti.org/
ECMI/New Hope Ministry
Oppressed by Communist tyranny, the underground Church in Eastern Europe endured hardship and persecution for four decades. Nevertheless, the followers of Christ remained steadfast and the Church grew. New Hope continues today to work with indigenous churches and local leaders to continue to establish and new followers of Jesus. https://www.ecmi-usa.org/new-hope-international
Christian Best Camps of Kenya, Erick Simba
Founder Erick Simba attended a Christian summer camp as a young man. Profoundly impacted by the potential he saw for his country, he returned to Kenya to establish a program for the youth of the Kibera Slum in Nairobi. CBCK provides an opportunity for urban youth to encounter Christ through its leadership and discipleship programs. Through Partnership with VPC and other U.S. churches, CBCK operates a community center in the slum that improves the spiritual, emotional and practical lives of those living in the largest slum in the world. https://cbckenya.co.ke/
Colombian Church Plants, Dave Gifford
VPC has been blessed to partner with Iglesia Presbiteriana de Colombia, to plant 3 churches in Urabá, the most rural of the IPC’s three presbyteries. About 80 percent of the presbytery’s church members are internally displaced persons, victims of Colombia’s armed conflict. VPC support has helped build these churches, provide for pastors’ salaries, install a community well, provide and plant a crop of trees to support pastors in their retirement, and provided Sunday school and worship materials. For more information: Dave Gifford Gifford.dr@gmail.com
Provision, Ted & Joy Carr
ProVision develops Servant Leaders for the very marginalized groups of people in South Africa by providing transformational mentoring, resource acquisition and management services, equipping these leaders to care for body, mind and spirit. Special focus is given to orphan care, feeding programs, educational and leadership development, farming projects, church construction, child and human trafficking, as well as psycho-social care in the wake of child abuse and the AIDS pandemic. https://www.provision.org.za/
WEC International, Keith Franchois
WEC’s objectives are to share that good news around the world (Reaching People), help gather new believers into churches (Planting Churches), and help churches at home and abroad raise up more workers to fulfill God’s passion (Mobilizing for Missions). Keith and Marti Franchois equip young leaders to deploy to share the Gospel. https://wec-usa.org/
Sports Outreach Institute
We recruit, train, equip and deploy committed Christian leaders in the effective use of sports ministry for the purposes of sharing the Gospel and alleviating human suffering. https://www.sportsoutreach.net/
The Jesus Film, Josh and Holly Newell
The objective of the Jesus Film Project is to share the gospel with people from every nation, every tribe, and in every language. More than 490 million people have come to know Jesus through watching the film. Executive Director Josh Newell oversees this massive global effort to share the. Gospel with 5 billion people by 2025! From cell phone apps to high def Blue-Ray film, there are creative ways to share the Jesus story around the globe. https://www.jesusfilm.org
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Samuil Petrovski
IFES Europe is a movement of students sharing and living out the good news of Jesus Christ. Locally. Nationally. Globally. General Secretary Samuil Petrovski leads the Serbian Team. Samuil’s team is dedicated to working with university students and faculty to create a network of Christian leaders throughout Europe. Samuil is also one of Serbia’s acknowledged leaders in fighting Human Trafficking and reaching out to immigrants in the region. https://ifesworld.org/en/region/europe/
Five Talents
Five Talents’ work around the world is inspired by the biblical Parable of the Talents and the call of Jesus to minister good news to the poor. Five Talents works closely with local churches to offer literacy and financial education, small group savings, business development, and spiritual formation to those living in extreme poverty. https://fivetalents.org/
Farthest Corners, Austin and Sinte House
Even though he grew up in Northern Virginia, Austin fell in love with the people of Burma (Myanmar) and Thailand as he served in a Christian School. Returning years later, he founded a missionary organization to care for those he encountered, including many displaced by war and unrest. Farthest Corners expresses God’s love in remote regions of Asia where persecution and suffering exist by providing humanitarian aid for the great spiritual, physical and educational needs of the people. http://farthestcorners.org/