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What We Believe

Our Vision

Pure and simple: we want to engage more people in Christ’s mission. Jesus commissions his church to go and make disciples. Our broken, hurting world compels all of us to take up Jesus’ call. Every person we meet is worthy of Christ’s love. We pledge to seek each other’s welfare and promote good will. We place a high value on authentic community.

Our Mission

A caring fellowship bringing Christ into our diverse community through discipleship and service.

Our Core Values

Living the Gospel. Modeling Christ-like behavior in our day-to-day living.

Discipleship. Sharing with others the life-changing and resurrecting power of Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.

Scripture. Deeping our relationship with God through the study of God’s Word and prayer.

Worship. Glorifying God in spirit and in truth, both individually and corporately.

Fellowship. Welcoming all people and engaging in community inside and outside the church.

Our Attributes

Christ-centered. Placing Christ at the center of every circumstance to seek understanding and grow in faith

Prayerful. Practicing daily communication with God

Compassionate. Showing Christ’s loving mercy and comfort to everyone

Hopeful. Trusting in God’s plan for us, believing in God’s word, and relying on His promises

Joyful. Choosing joy in all things in response to what God has done for us

Authentic. Being open and transparent in our communication and actions

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