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Discipleship Outdoors

Bring Christ and community to your summer activities at local meet-ups to hike, bike, or kayak with VPC. Each activity will include a time of prayer and a devotional to encourage our understanding of God’s presence as we enjoy His beautiful creation together. A separate registration is required for each of these events. Register by clicking the buttons below.

Kim Pattianakotta, the Director of Groups and Education, is organizing these events. Contact her at if you have questions.  

Liturgical Hike & Picnic after Worship

Liturgical Hike & Picnic after Worship
10:30 AM on Sunday, July 21
Location: Great Falls National Park, VA
Cost: $20 parking pass; $0 if carpooling

Register Here by July 17

We’ll hike, we’ll see God in the beauty of His creation, we’ll pause to follow a spoken liturgy of prayers, and we’ll enjoy each other’s company. This beautiful three-mile loop on the Virginia side of the Potomac River is an easy hike with moderately challenging areas near the rocks of Mather Gorge. Wear supportive shoes, bring plenty of water to stay hydrated, and expect to meet God together in the great outdoors!

The hike will happen between 10:30 and noon, and there are optional ways to gather with the group before and after the hike. Kim Pattianakotta from VPC’s adult ministry will be your guide. Meet her at VPC for a carpool or at the park if you’re driving on your own. See the schedule below to choose how you’ll participate in the morning’s activities.

8:30 AM Worship Service with a light breakfast after at VPC’s Food & Fellowship
10:00 AM Carpool to Great Falls or drive on your own
10:30 AM Meet at the Great Falls Visitor Center to begin the hike
12:00 PM Picnic Lunch
12:30 PM Carpool Back to VPC

Bike Ride & Lunch after Worship

Bike Ride & Lunch after Worship
10:00 AM on Sunday, July 28
Location: The W&OD Trail & Caboose Tavern
Cost: $ for lunch at Caboose Tavern (if joining us for lunch)

Register Here by July 24

Bring your bike to church and join us after the 8:30 AM worship service for a ride towards Herndon VA on the W&OD trail. At 10:00 AM, meet the group in the smaller side of the VPC parking lot near Mill St. Kim Pattianakotta from VPC’s adult ministry will be your guide. Before hopping on the trail, we’ll tune our thoughts to God with a devotional and break into small groups based on riding pace. At 11:45 AM, the groups will reconvene at Caboose Tavern in Vienna for lunch – a popular food and refreshment location for bikers that is right on the trail.

Guided Prayer & Kayaking Tour

Guided Prayer & Kayaking Tour
8:00 AM on Saturday, August 3
Location: Mason Neck State Park
Cost: $30 kayak rental & $10 for parking

Register Here by July 28

The kayak rental fee is due upon registration and you will pay for parking when you arrive at the park. You will not pay for the kayak rental if you are bringing your own kayak.

Explore Belmont Bay and Kane’s Creek with VPC member and Mason Neck kayaking tour guide, JaneEllen Saums. Along the way, we’ll practice noticing God’s presence, taking breaks to participate in guided prayer reflections as we marvel at the local wildlife. Mason Neck is known for its bald eagle population! Wear appropriate clothes for the weather and water, bring water to stay hydrated, and look forward to a peaceful and wonder-filled morning together.

Meet your event hosts, JaneEllen Saums and Kim Pattianakotta, at the Mason Neck State Park Visitor Center at 8:00 AM. We’ll be on the water by 8:30 AM and back to the park by 10:30/11:00 AM for a picnic snack provided by VPC.

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