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Estate Planning

Protect Your Family’s Future

Have you been putting off your estate planning? We can’t predict the future, but we can plan for it.  Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) takes the mystery out of estate planning, guiding you and your family through a straightforward process allowing you to design a legacy plan that blesses your family and honors God. We’ve partnered with FPM to provide you with the opportunity to make decisions, pass on your values AND your valuables, and start planning for your future.

Sunday, June 1 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am in Room 108.


Why Attend?

After attending this seminar, you will have the opportunity to meet one on one with a qualified estate consultant via Zoom or telephone to prepare your estate plan at no cost to you. Ensuring your legacy has been the business of Financial Planning Ministry for over 40 years. They remove the doubt and confusion surrounding estate planning through professional and courteous service, and provide you with estate planning that you and your heirs can count on. They take you through the entire process, from start to finish. FPM is an independent third party. Confidentiality is assured.


Topics Addressed

  • What are the advantages of a Living Trust?
  • Who should consider having a Living Trust?
  • How you can gain assurance that, upon your death, your guardianship wishes for minor children and distribution of your valuables are fulfilled as you desire?
  • How you can avoid the expensive and time consuming process of probate.
  • How you can bless charities of your choice while not decreasing gifts to heirs.

Take the next step and learn how to plan guardianship for your minor children, reduce taxes, and save time and money for your loved ones. With a well-conceived plan, you can maximize the amount received by your family and you can convert tax dollars into Kingdom investments!

Contact Kate Jones for information.
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