September 16, 7:00-8:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall
$10 when registering in advance; $20 at the door
Register Here
Guys – this is an open invite for anyone who wants to join in on savoring some of the best BBQ around, make new friends and acquaintances, and learn how a relationship with God can impact your life. Paul Farrell will speak about his faith journey and how it has impacted both his career decisions and personal life. Come as you are to this special event hosted by the Monday Night Men’s Group!
Paul Farrell launches and transforms companies into high-growth organizations, enhancing their value through continuous improvement and excellence. Paul is a people-first leader with an exceptional track record of selling and acquiring software companies. Paul’s career has been built on performance and powered by diverse and talented teams that consistently surpass expectations. Paul was a Senior Vice-President at AOL during its transformative years from 1997 to 2003, successfully led the acquisition and sale of London-based Moreover Technologies to Lexus/Nexis Reed Elsevier in 2014 and co-founded and grew cybersecurity startup Nehemiah Security through its successful sale in 2020. Paul now leads Pater Holdings, LLC, a firm dedicated to investing in and nurturing promising tech startups.