An event every week that begins at 7:00 pm on Monday, repeating until June 16, 2025
Who We Are
Guys of all ages coming together on a regular basis to learn more about God’s story and how it impacts our lives. We seek to study and grow together, join in fellowship, minister to one another and support our church family and the community in which we live through service.
What We Do
We meet every Monday evening in Fellowship Hall and online. We hear testimonies and teachings in a large group setting (around 60 in-person and 20 online), then break into small groups for discussion and prayer. Pizza and popcorn are served for dinner each week so you can come straight from work if you need to. There is no homework, and you can join any week.
Meeting Time: 7:00-8:30 PM on Mondays
Dates: The group meets weekly from September through June
Location: Fellowship Hall and simultaneously online (contact Robert Austell for the link)
Group Leaders: Pastor Robert Austell and church members Ted Davies & David Steiner
Spring Calendar and Teaching Series
3/10-3/31: “How to Share Your Story” with Pastor Robert Austell
4/7: “Christianity 101: Christians and Culture” with guest teacher, Charles Geschiere
4/14: “A Christian Paradox: Joy and Suffering in 1 Peter” with VPC’s Theologian-in-Residence, David Renwick
4/21: No Group Meeting
4/28-5/19: “Body, Soul, and Spirit” with Pastor Robert Austell and David Renwick
5/26: No Group Meeting
6/2-6/16: Last series before summer break
Who Should Come?
Guys of all ages attend (from 20-95 years old last year); Guys from all walks of life; Guys at all stages of their faith journey – from new believers to lay leaders. Some guys are with us every Monday night in person, and others join when they can. Some can’t get to the church on Monday or don’t live in the area, so they join us online.
How to Join: If you are new to the group, you can show up any week and be welcomed. Signing up is not necessary, though the leaders will appreciate the opportunity to connect with you ahead of time if you fill out the form below.
Meet the Teacher: Pastor Robert Austell joined the VPC pastoral staff in summer 2023 and serves as the Associate Pastor for Worship and Adult Discipleship. He has been married to Heather for 31 years and they have three young adult daughters. Pastor Robert came to us from Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC, where he served for 21 years. Pastor Robert undertook his M.Div. studies at Gordon-Conwell and Princeton Theological Seminaries and received his D.Min. from Reformed Theological Seminary, where he wrote his doctoral project on a biblical theology of worship, entitled, “Biblical Worship through Music.” He loves teaching the Bible and applying God’s Word to daily life.