An event every week that begins at 10:30 am on Sunday, repeating until June 8, 2025
Make friends at church and get some great advice for your parenting journey while your babies, kids, and teens enjoy their own community with the programs happening for them on Sundays at 10:30. Drop in whenever you have the chance! You are welcome any week you can make it, and there’s no prep-work to participate.
Current Series: “50 Things Every Child Needs to Know Before Leaving Home”
As a parent, does it ever feel like you are “winging it”? Just as a builder needs a blueprint, parents need a good parenting plan. Part of having a plan is understanding the target we are aiming for and having a step-by-step vision to raise our children to mature, godly adulthood. Parents at all stages are invited to join us as we discuss 50 Things Every Child Needs to Know Before Leaving Home by Josh & Jen Mulvihill. This guidebook will help us cover topics ranging from biblical beliefs to money management, character development, and phone etiquette. Come as you are; no book purchase or preparation required.
Time: Sundays, 10:30-11:30 AM at VPC
Dates: The group meets weekly from September through May
Location: Room 310
Group Leaders: Chuck and Corrine Fields, Katie and Daniel Balberchak
How to Join: Show up any week and be welcomed. If you would like to speak with someone before attending the group, click here to connect with one of the group leaders, Katie, by email.