An event every week that begins at 10:30 am on Sunday, repeating until June 8, 2025
Perspectives is a discussion forum that examines current and sometimes controversial topics through the lens of Scripture, with the aim of being salt and light in our divided culture. Each week is a welcoming conversation that helps us wrestle with tough questions so that we are better able to represent Christ.
Current Series: Doing God’s Work—Our Call to Civic and Cultural Engagement
In Genesis 1:28 God instructs mankind to be fruitful, to subdue the earth, and to rule over creation. What does this mean for us, in practical terms? Following our “After Party” conversations from the fall, we will consider the call to care for God’s creation, and most especially for the people created in his image.
Time: Participate on Sundays, 10:30-11:30 AM
Dates: The group meets weekly from September through May
Location: Room 308/309
Group Leaders: Phil Covell, Bruce Dickson, Alice Mar, Yvonne Malloy, Marquissa Funderburk
How to Join: Show up any week and be welcomed. If you would like to speak with someone before attending the group, click here to connect with one of the group leaders, Phil, by email.