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Holy Week is the last week of Lent, and the week leading up to Easter, when we observe various historically significant events that occurred during the last week of Jesus’ life and ministry. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter, and includes Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Here at Vienna Presbyterian Church we have many opportunities for you for you to engage with Holy Week as we prepare for Easter. On Easter we are offering three services this year, at 8:00 am (40 min. contemporary service), 9:00am (contemporary), and 11:00 am (traditional). Of course everyone is invited to the popular Easter Egg Hunt on the Town Green at 10:15 am. This is also a great time to invite someone new to church. We can’t wait to see you. Another opportunity for engagement on Easter will be help with parking. We are looking for some volunteers to be in the parking lot on Easter Sunday to help direct congregation members and visitors to available parking spots and/or additional parking options. Please reach out to Pastor Adrian at if you are interested in helping with this Easter parking ministry opportunity.

Maundy Thursday Service – Thursday, April 17, 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

Join us for this unique worship service remembering and celebrating the events of the night before Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. That Thursday night featured two very significant events: the Last Supper and Jesus washing his disciples’ feet. It was at the foot-washing where Jesus gave the “love commandment” (that the Latin-derived word ‘Maundy’ refers to) and charged his followers with loving others as he had loved them.

We will hear the scriptures describing these events and share in the Lord’s Supper around tables as the disciples did with Jesus. The service is appropriate for all ages and will largely be scripture, a short devotional, some music, prayer, and table fellowship with your family.

Good Friday Service – Friday, April 18, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary

The Good Friday service will be a blend of a unique art experience and a worship time with music, prayer, silence, and Scripture reflecting on Jesus’ final hours and crucifixion. The art experience will allow for a time of deep reflection throughout the Narthex, where we will explore different cultural and artistic art pieces depicting the crucifixion, the agony in garden, and other events leading up to Jesus’ death

Easter Sunday Services – April 20, 8:00 am, 9:00 am and 11:00 am, Sanctuary

We will have celebratory worship at 8:00am (40 minutes, contemporary), 9:00 am (contemporary) and 11:00 am (traditional) in the Sanctuary. Childcare will be available at all three services. Sunday School is available for kids at 9:00 and 11:00 am. Adult Sunday morning programming is cancelled. We invite everyone to the festivities on the Town Green at 10:15 am.

Easter Egg Hunt – April 20, 10:15 am at the Town Green

Everyone is invited to come to the Vienna Town Green at 10:15 am on Easter Sunday to watch the children (ages toddler to 5th grade) hunt for eggs, enjoy coffee and snacks, and enjoy Easter morning fellowship. Hop inside VPC for a family photo. This is a free event and no registration is needed. Children need to bring their own baskets. Many volunteers are needed. Sign up here.

Easter Flowers

We will decorate the Sanctuary with spring flowers for Easter. We invite you to contribute $15 in honor of or in memory of a loved one. You may give online, in the offering, in a giving box, or at the church office. Please note in honor or memory of, and your loved one’s name in the memo line (up to 50 characters). If you need additional space for names, email April Massey at The list of names will be printed in our Easter bulletin. You are invited to pick up the flowers you ordered AFTER 12:15 pm on Easter Sunday, April 20. The deadline for submission is April 9.

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