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Mental Health Ministry

If your loved one(s) suffers from mental health challenges, we invite you to come to a warm, supportive, weekly gathering in Christian community.

We open and close with  prayer, include Scripture, talk about a dedicated topic each week, and encourage one another as we share the “common denominators” of having a family member whose mental health impacts our lives, as well.  We, of course, keep confidence.

You are most welcome to join at any time.

We will resume our weekly meetings on January 6 at 5:30 p.m. in the Parlor.  No preparation is required. We will be using resources from the Christian Mental Health Ministry, “Thrive and Cultivate.”

Facilitators are Pastor Connie and Romey McPherson (Stephen Minister, Elder, and retired therapist)

Please also check out this Mental Health Resource Guide.


703.938.9050, x116 or email Connie

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