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12/8/20 Sue Hamblen

1 John 3:17-18

17 Suppose someone has enough to live and sees a brother or sister in need, but does not help. Then God’s love is not living in that person. 18 My children, we should love people not only with words and talk, but by our actions and true caring.

Drum roll please! The Spotlight Mission Partner for the month will be Christian Best Camps of Kenya and the work of Erick Simba’s team in the slums of Kibera, Mathare, and wherever he sees need in his ministry! These pictures show a building that might not look like much to the average Northern Virginian, but for the residents of Kibera, it has literally been a lifeline through the Covid crisis. Simba’s team has provided clothing, MASKS, food, fellowship, mentoring, tutoring, supplies for women’s menstrual needs, and so much more! Sharing Christ’s love with those who have so little is Simba’s vision for the ministry and his passion. Join us through the month as we share CBCK’s work through Facebook, Realm, our newsletter and with Simba’s sharing at the Christ and Culture ALC on December 20th. You are invited to share in his joy as we announce the birth of his 4th child, Dane Jepsen Ogal Simba. Many of you may remember that one of Simba’s baby girl twins now resides with the Lord. We rejoice with Simba and Yasmine for God’s gift of this healthy baby boy.

In other news, VPC has exemplified ‘Faith in Action’ over the last several months and it has been beautiful to be a part of some many efforts to reach out, emboldened by Christ’s love for us, and care for our neighbors in need! From supporting CHO’s gift card distribution, to stepping up to provide tutoring and mentoring, to the tremendous monthly commitment for the Bags of Love/CARES Act project – you’ve responded generously and compassionately!

The Committee for Helping Others held their drive through gift card distribution last Saturday. If was cold outside, but hearts were warm as well over 100 families received cards for gifts/clothing/necessities for their families. In addition, many young single moms and other families unable to attend the drive through were helped by CHO (and YOUR) generosity!

Hypothermia finally commenced last night. Heartfelt prayers for this life giving/live sustaining assistance, allowing our homeless friends to come in from the cold for the night. VPC has provided breakfast and lunch this week, and wonderful restaurant dinners next week. Don’t forget – we’re also on for all three meals from Dec. 27- Jan 3rd!

Lastly, thank you to all who quickly volunteered for our December CARES Act distribution. We’ve gone from sweating having enough volunteers in the early months to the blessing of having a little competition to sign up early! God bless you all, and thank you for your support. To help with any of these efforts:

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