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Pete James

Matthew 28:16-20

Sermon Media


Kingdom Living

This is an interesting time in history. We have been dealing with COVID-19, race issues, economic crisis, and we are in the last leg of a presidential race. There is much that concerns us as citizens of the United States and people who live in this world with all forms of sin and brokenness.

We don’t know all the reasons so much is coming together as it is now in our world, but we do know our God redeems everything for his good purposes. Jesus is the risen and reigning King of the Universe. Those who trust him are living life in the kingdom of God, right here and right now in the midst of our everyday, ordinary and often very messy lives.

So this fall seems like a good time to explore the Gospel of Matthew through our sermon series on “Kingdom Living: Love the Lord, Love the People” as we continue to engage in our shared VPC mission of becoming like Christ together for the world.

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