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Women’s Bible Studies

on Monday Night & Tuesday Morning


At the Women’s Bible Studies, you’ll find a supportive and encouraging group of women of all ages ready to get to know you as they get to know the Bible. There is no homework, and you can join any week. This spring, the teaching will be facilitated through small group Bible studies. The first time you attend, you’ll meet the group leaders, receive a provided study guide, and choose a small group to learn with. The women of WBS look forward to meeting you!

Spring Series: Living Faith—Studies on the Book of James
What is the evidence in our lives that we have truly accepted the grace of God in Christ and are living for Him? James is as practical a book for us today as it was for first century believers. As we study its straightforward teachings, we will look at everyday attitudes and actions that we know are right, but in reality require supernatural strength to achieve. The book reminds us that it is the grace of God in Christ alone that empowers us to live as followers of Christ. Our study will be a rich combination of spiritual and practical truths for dynamically living our Christian faith.

Monday Meeting Time: 7:00-8:30 PM
Dates: March 3 – May 19; the group will be on break 4/14 and 4/21
Location: Learning Center in the lower level

Tuesday Meeting Time: 9:30-11:00 AM
Dates: March 4 – May 20; the group will be on break 4/1 and 4/15
Location: Learning Center in the lower level

How to Join: If you are new to the group, you can show up any week and be welcomed. There is no homework or materials needed for this Bible study. Copies of the study guide are provided in class.

Meet the Coordinators

Monday Leader: Currie Renwick and her husband, David, have lived in DC since 2011, where she served as a librarian in the DC Public Schools and where David was Senior Pastor at National Presbyterian Church. Following retirement in 2022, Currie and David have found a welcoming church home at VPC. Currie has taught adult Sunday School classes for women and men for over 30 years. She’s looking forward to learning with Kim, Meghan, and other WBS members!



Tuesday Leader: Meghan Reeves and her family are thankful to call Vienna their home after many years of constant moving and living overseas. While most recently living in San Diego, Meghan taught women’s Bible studies and was the Moms’ Connection Coordinator at their previous church. As a former high school history teacher, diving into the Bible’s context and connecting themes of God’s constant love and provision is a passion Meghan loves to pour into her teaching. She is thrilled for this opportunity to draw closer to the hope and peace that is Jesus while growing together with the women of VPC in our upcoming study.



Kim Pattianakotta is VPC’s Director of Adult Discipleship. With over seventeen years of ministry experience cultivating group environments, Kim loves to draw people into an engagement with Scripture that flows into the reality of their everyday lives. Along with her passion for Biblical study, she regularly draws from her academic backgrounds in teaching and sociology to facilitate lessons that incorporate different learning styles and are relevant to our cultural experiences. Kim will be on maternity leave for most of the spring series and looks forward to launching the fall 2025 series with WBS.


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